Unlocking the Full Potential of CRM with Marketing Automation

Sales and marketing form the two gears that are responsible for accelerating businesses towards profitability. In the modern business landscape where competition is rife and customer-centricity has become the basis of success.

AI-Driven Text-Based Automation: A Game-Changer in Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing, a process once controlled by sales teams across industries has greatly transformed in the last decade. The tremendous change that lead nurturing processes have undergone can be attributed to the increasing affordability.

Conversational AI – The New Lead Magnet

Conversational AI is the new rage in the marketing sector and it deserves all the attention it is getting. Conversational AI tools are offering brands an automated and efficient way of streamlining lead nurturing.

The Death of Cold Calling

Gone are the days when unknown numbers were considered to be harbinger of good and exciting news. Today, calls from unknown numbers are likely to incite feelings of annoyance and suspicion.